v2.0.2 / 2024-10-06


The Caves Of Casadh is a game where players take on the role of spelunkers searching a cave system for hidden treasure and getting back out alive. Spelunkers will collect items and treasures throughout the game, and the surviving spelunker with the greatest total value of treasures by the end of the game wins.


This is rolled for various things as explained in the apropriate sections.
Pawns and HP Tokens
Pawns represent the spelunkers' locations as they move through the map as the game progresses. Health tokens represent the spelunkers' Health Points (HP); if a spelunker is ever reduced to 0HP, they are dead, and their player loses.
Bag Of Fate
This is the bag that holds the treasure tokens.
Treasure Tokens
Treasures are gold discs numbered from 0-9, and these represent victory points in the game. There are 10 of each in the game. They are kept in, and drawn from, the Bag Of Fate.
These make up the board, which itself is built as the game progresses. Each hex tile has passageways on all six sides (which connect to adjacent hexes once they're placed), and many contain other features. Many hexes have multiple passageways, and a spelunker can only be located in one of these. Some passageways are dead-ends, while others go over, under, or intersect with other passageways on the Hex.
This is the depth of the Hex. The special Base Camp hex is Level 0, and there are Level 1 and Level 2 Hexes. Levels are indicated by a pink circled number.
These are represented by green arrows. A spelunker may move from one passageway to another in the same Hex in the direction of the green arrow, but not against it.
These are represented by brown hazard symbols. When one of these appears on a newly-explored Hex, the corresponding value on the Hazard Track is increased, and the player then rolls the die to see whether that Hazard affects the entire map. These effects are detailed in the Explore section later.
Represented by blue concentric blobs. Any spelunker in the correct passageway on a Hex with with water immediately removes any Thirst misfortunes they may have.
Some Hexes have a star on one of their six sides. If present, then this side must be aligned to the Hex which the exploring spelunker came from (exploring Hexes is explained later). If a Hex has more than one star, the player choses which of them to align.
Location Marker
The location on the hex where any treasures or items are located.
Base Camp
This is the game's starting Hex. Any spelunker ending their turn here removes all misfortunes they may have. Also, they may leave the caves as explained later.
Cave Paintings
When this Hex is revealed, the Level 2 Hexes are shuffled into the Hex draw deck.
These are kept in reserve, and are used to replace other Hexes which have collapsed.
Cards are drawn whenever a spelunker explores a new Hex. Each card reveals the Move Cost, a number of Items and Treasures to be placed on the Hex, and may contain a Misfortune. These are explained later.
The number of these icons is the MP cost applied to the spelunker for having explored the new Hex.
For each of these icons, randomly draw an item and place it face-up in the new Hex.
For each of these icons, randomly draw a number of treasure tokens from the Bag Of Fate equal to the number of spelunkers still in the caves. The current spelunker looks at them all, keeps one, and places the rest face-down in the new Hex.
If this icon is present, the current spelunker suffers the effects listed by the text on the card. Misfortunes are either Discard, which effect the spelunker and are then discarded; or Keep, which means they are placed in front of the player and continue to affect the spelunker until removed. Spelunkers may be affected by any number of Keep misfortunes at the same time.
Item Tokens
These represent gear which a spelunker carries. Carrying an item confers its benefits as listed. A spelunker can carry any number of different items, but never more than one of any specific item. They have blue icons.
The spelunker can go up slopes on Hexes, against the direction of the green arrow.
The spelunker is immune from the Thirst misfortune (and discards any Thirst misfortunes they may have).
Gas Mask
The spelunker is immune from the Methane hazard.
Hiking Boots
The spelunker is immune from the Tremors hazard.
The spelunker is immune from the Bats hazard.
Brass Lantern
The spelunker is immune from Grues and the Flashlight Out misfortune.
The spelunker may discard this on their turn to heal to full HP.
The spelunker is immune to the Flashlight Out misfortune (and discards any Flashlight Out misfortunes they may have).
On their turn, a spelunker may deploy the Dynamite, returning the blue Item token to the supply and placing a red Dynamite Hazard Token on their Hex. At the beginning of that spelunker's next turn, the dynamite goes off; the Hex is replaced by a Collapsed Hex, and any spelunkers there die instantly.
Hazard Tokens and Hazard Track
Hazard tokens are placed on hex tiles (depending on the outcome of rolling against the Hazard Track, as explained in the Explore section later); these represent what will happen to spelunkers who travel there. Additionally, one of each type is placed on the Hazard Track, representing the total number of each hazard tokens (by type) on the overall map. These have red icons.
Any spelunker in or entering the affected Hex not wearing a Gas Mask takes 1HP damage.
Any spelunker in or entering the affected Hex not wearing a Helmet takes 1HP damage.
Any spelunker in or entering the affected Hex not wearing Hiking Boots takes 1HP damage.
No spelunker without a Brass Lantern can enter the affected Hex. Any spelunker on a Hex without a Brass Lantern must immediately move to an adjacent, Grue-free Hex.
Another spelunker has dropped a stick of dynamite in the affected Hex. A spelunker may attempt to defuse the dynamite by rolling the die; if the die roll is less than or equal to their current HP, then the Hazard token is removed back to the supply, and the defusing spelunker gains a Dynamite token (if they already have one, then this is skipped). If the die roll is greater than the spelunker's current HP, then the dynamite goes off immediately as explained above.


  1. Find the Base Camp Hex, and place it more or less in the middle of the play area. Place the Collapsed Hexes to the side. Shuffle the Level 1 Hexes together, and place them face-down to create the Hex draw pile. Place the Level 2 Hexes nearby.
  2. Place the Hazard Track and Surface Hex to the side of the main play area, out of the way but visible to all.
  3. Place all treasure tokens in the Bag Of Fate, and give them a good shake. Draw and place a number of Treasure tokens equal to twice the number of players, and place these face-up on the Surface Hex.
  4. Each player takes a pawn in their chosen color, and places it on the Base Camp Hex. Each player also takes 4 HP tokens.
  5. Shuffle all the Cards together, and place them face-down to create the Card draw pile.
  6. Randomize the Item tokens and arrange them into face-down stacks to be drawn from.
  7. Put a Hazard token on each "0" spot on the Hazard Track.
  8. Randomly determine the first player.

Play continues in turn until all spelunkers have exited the cave, as explained below. Once the caves contain no living spelunkers, the game ends.

Player Turns

Spelunkers begin their turn with a number of Move Points (MP) equal to their current HP, minus any effects due to Thirst or other effects; minimum of 1MP. MP are spent during the turn to take various actions. Once a spelunker has expended all of their MP for that turn, play passes to the next spelunker.

Move (1MP)

The spelunker moves to an adjacent Hex, obeying any passage restrictons. If there are any Hazards are present (which the spelunker isn't immune from) in the hex being entered, the spelunker suffers the effects.

If the spelunker is in possession of a Brass Lantern, and enters a hex with a Grue in it, they move the Grue to another unoccupied Hex with a Grue hazard symbol on it. If no such Hex exists, the Grue is removed from the map, and the Grue counter on the Hazard Track is increased by 1 (the Grues desiring vengeance for one of their fallen).

If the spelunker ends their turn on the Base Camp Hex, they remove all misfortunes they may have.

Explore (card)

The spelunker is exploring a new area of the caves, and must have at least 1MP available to take this action.

  1. Move the spelunker to an adjacent empty space where a new Hex can be placed, obeying the same movement rules as per Move above.
  2. Draw a Hex. The player places the Hex in the space, oriented however they choose - unless the Hex contains a starred entrance marker, in which case, this marker must face the Hex the spelunker is moving from. The spelunker is placed on the new Hex, obeying the movement rules.
  3. Draw a Card. The card will indicate the MP cost of moving into the hex. If this leaves the spelunker with a negative amount of MP, then the spelunker simply has 0MP. If the card contains a misfortune, then it befalls the spelunker as explained above. For each item icon on the card (based on the Hex level), an item is chosen at random from the supply and placed on the Hex. For each treasure icon on the card (also based on the Hex level), randomly choose a number of treasure tokens from the Bag Of Fate equal to the number of spelunkers still in the caves. The spelunker may look at all of them, keep one, and then places the rest face-down on the Hex.
  4. If the new Hex contains a Hazard icon, then the player rolls a die. If the value is less than the total number of the same type of icon on the entire board, then Hazard tokens matching the icon are placed on all Hexes with that same icon which don't already have them.

If the newly-drawn Hex is the Cave Painting Hex, shuffle the Level 2 Hexes into the Hex Draw Pile.

Collect Treasure (1MP)

If there are any treasure tokens on the spelunker's Hex, and the spelunker is in a passageway with the location marker, the player may pick them up, examine them, keep one, and then return the rest face-down to the Hex. Players may not collect treasures on the Base Camp Hex unless they Leave (see below).

Collect Items (*)

If the spelunker is in a passageway with the location marker, they may collect any and all items on their Hex (but may never have more than one of the same type). The spelunker must have at least 1MP available to take this action, but the action itself ends the spelunker's turn.

Leave (*)

If the spelunker is on the Base Camp Hex, they may leave the caves. Their pawn is moved to the Surface Hex for the rest of the game; they collect the highest two remaining treasures there, and their turn ends. Spelunkers must have a least 1MP to take this action.

Move Grue (free)

If a spelunker is out of the caves (ie, their pawn is on the Surface Hex), and there are Grues present in the caves, then the spelunker's player may try to move one of these grues. The player rolls a die, and if the result is higher than the number of spelunkers still in the caves, the player may move a Grue from its Hex to an adjacent Hex. Grues move according to normal movement rules, except that they can move up slopes (as spelunkers with Rope can). Grues may not enter the Base Camp Hex, nor a Hex with a spelunker in possession of a Brass Lantern. If a Grue enters a Hex with spelunkers in it, all spelunkers on that Hex take 1HP of damage; if any spelunkers are already in a Grue's hex, then instead of moving, the Grue eats all those spelunkers (who, of course, die in the process).

End Turn (free)

A spelunker can end their turn whenever they choose.

Hexes And Movement Examples

Here is a typical Level 1 Hex. Orange can collect items and treasures, as well as take advantage of the water to remove Thirst misfortunes, while Blue cannot. Legal exits are shown for the spelunkers as well.
Were the Hex to contain a slope, Orange would be able to move as shown, though Blue's exits are still limited (unless they had a Rope).
Some passages go over and under other passages on the same Hex which do not intersect one another. Exits for Orange and Blue are shown.

Game End

Once all spelunkers have either died or left the caves, the game ends. Out of the players with surviving spelunkers, the player with the largest total Treasure value is the winner. If there is a tie, the player with the higher HP wins. If there is still a tie, the player with the least amount of Item tokens wins.